SAMT invites you to visit its new internet site

SAMT has entirely rethought its website !

Full information on the company, on the multiple aspects of steel reinforcement manufacture, news and zoom into the new projects, film clips to "get the feeling" about our craft, references of which we are proud together with our committments... are available from our site.

We have made the choice of a Responsive web design

It is the wellknown expression to describe a web technology which allows to adapt the content of a website to the screen of the reader.

As a matter of fact, RWD is a web design approach gathering various principles and technologies aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing and navigation experience. The user can visit the same website across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors, smartphones, tablets, TV, etc.) with the same visual comfort and without scrolling, panning, notably on touch-screen devices, operations which could degrade the experience of the user.

La notion de web adaptatif repense donc la manière de concevoir les parcours de navigation sur Internet, puisqu’il ne s’agit plus de concevoir autant de parcours qu’il y a de famille de terminaux mais de concevoir une seule interface auto-adaptable. Ainsi, les sources d’information et les socles techniques ne sont pas dupliqués. Cela engendre des économies d’échelles dans la conception et la maintenance de sites internet bénéficiant de ce mode de conception.

More about RWD:




